(About sample preparation of CHN-elemental analysis)
1. 測定可能なサンプル (Acceptable Samples)
(Solid and non-volatile liquid of organic and organometallic compound)

1. 空気中で不安定な化合物は受け付けていません。
(1. An air-unstable compound is not acceptable.)
2. 揮発性化合物の測定は受け付けていません。
(2. A volatile compound is not acceptable.)

2. サンプル量
1回の測定に約2 mg必要です。
(One measurement needs ca. 2 mg of sample.)

通常、2 回測定するので秤量時のロス分を考慮して少なくとも6 mg以上用意してください。
(Because the measurment is usually done twice, prepare at least 6 mg to account for
        the loss during weighing. If you have enough sample, please prepare as much as
        possible. If there is not enough sample, only one measurement will be done and
        the results will be returned.)


(Prepare a sample considering the amount that adheres to the wall of the vial and
       cannot be removed.)