CHN-元素分析 (CHN Elemental analysis)

MT-6 (YANACO), since 1998

1. 依頼測定のみに対応しています。 (Only requested measurement is available.)
        測定を希望される方は 尾山にサンプル数を明記したe-mailを送った後、サンプルと依頼申請用紙をご持参

    申請用紙 (Application Sheets)
    (If you would like to perform the requested measurement, please send an E-mail to Dr. Oyama
          stating the number of samples you would like to have measured. After sending an e-mail,
          bring the samples and application form with you. You will be notified of the completion of the
          measurement by a reply e-mail. One sample needs one request measurement form.)

2. 機種 (Model): MT-6 (YANACO)
    (The maintenance of MT-6 has been taken over by J-SCIENCE LAB Co., Ltd..)
3. 測定サンプルについて (About sample preparetion)
4. 他の分析施設へのリンク (Link to other Facilities of elemental analysis)